The short video shows us pulling out pruned vine canes leaving the two canes ready to be tied down to our straining wires.

The pruned canes are left on the ground in between rows; we use a shredder/mulcher to breakdown the canes. After two passes the canes will be small enough to break down into the grass.


Early budburst


Some damage, see below, but only in a sheltered part of the vineyard. As is obvious in the picture below the shoot has been killed by frost but to the right there are two leaves showing no damage at all.


Sometimes the buds of vines look to have survived a frost but can start to turn brown after a few days and fall off so we were not to sure of the overall damage to the vines until mid May when the chances of another frost had gone.

After the frosts came a short clean open spring which had all at the vineyard in high hopes but a whole month of June rain put us back. Flowering was patchy at best and downy and powdery mildews were having a field day.


Solaris grapes two weeks to harvest. Very clean but small


Rondo Bunches very sweet and ready to pick

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